👋 Sup Hypnofriends!
Another month, another instance of Lex releasing last months newsletter jusssst outside of the monthly rollover. (Edit: Okay it’s two months late… I think I’m just gonna start numbering these instead of giving them month names. 😉)
📽️ From the Archive (Video Freebie)
Rhianna’s Abina’s Slave Training
Abina’s a gorgeous and chatty 34 year old who by her looks and stunning figure, could easily be 10 years younger. She’s got an easy-going but inquisitive nature, so it was fun playing with things like her memories, her awareness of what’s going on, and her reaction to the situation. Being naked around strangers isn’t *too* unusual for her, but waking up to find them petting her like she’s some kind of kitten was something she was more prone to taking exception to. 😛
She took to slave-training like a duck to water, was *very* happy to be collared, and easily slipped into the role of being affectionate slavegirl or purring kitten. For fans of hypnochickens, leotards and age regression, there’s a fair bit of those too!
• Download
📷 Enchanting Images
Someone poked me over the weekend requesting I see if I still had this Lucinda set around. It’s from the iDroid Test Subject HypnoDolls video:
A look through, and it’s a pretty great set! 300 or so images of Luci in her brown dress, gold bodysuit and nekkid, and there are a few bonus pics in the white dress from our Hidden Hypnotist video (where, alas, we didn’t take so many pictures, hence me rolling them into this one.)
Beautiful lady, shame she only modelled for a short time!
📽️ Junes Video Releases:
Ellie NooNoo 2
Ellie returns for a second session, and once more, drops deliciously during the photo section. (Drools too! Rowr.)
This time round I go for a tactile induction with hair stroking, and back scratching whilst using lots of nice docile pet words… not that I need to make too much effort as Ellie drops floppily almost instantly. When I ask her to try and open her eyes, she tries, but all they can do is roll backwards. Meanwhile any time she’s in trance, every answer that she gives whilst under sounds soft, sleepy and sexy. Very much a mind controlled Marilyn Monroe vibe!
Lots of arousal play, confusion, slow descents into mindlessness where the more she moos, the more she finds herself feeling dumb and docile… and some hilariously cute moments where when she does have her mind, she finds herself reacting and speaking in some very odd ways.
• The “Boop” trigger has Ellie crossing her eyes in a pretty cute way.
• She freezes and blanks with this adorable “lost” expression on her face.
• Whilst frozen, I can take and throw one of her hands into the air, and it slowly comes to rest.
• Once she’s become a HuCow she’s docile and dumb and totally absent behind the eyes.
• Another lovely Burlesque striptease where her possessed gloves enchant and make her blank out.
• She’s compelled to demand I “play with her titties” any time I stop… also to make noises when I do.
• Some nice leaps of logic when I tell her that having her fingers stuck up her nose is normal, I’m “Mining for gold!”
Awesome reactions, super kinky / submissive lady, but sweet as anything, the way she wakes up confused with memories missing or her mind messed with (or feeling embarrassed at her sudden nakedness or lewd behaviour) feels very authentic.
Available from 9pm BST August 3rd
Excellent session with Tiki!
Lately, if the rapport’s there during the photo section of my sessions, I’ve been trying my luck the instant the pendant comes out.
Some ladies give it a little eyeroll or treat it like it’s nothing more than a prop… others, I’ll notice can’t help but find their gaze fixing on it the second it swings into vision.
With the latter category I’ll then ask if they’re happy to be hypnotized there and then, and if they are, will heighten their focus on the pendant to the point where they can’t look away from it… then to the point where they can’t think of anything else… then to the point where they can’t think at all.
It’s always an absolute pleasure seeing someone going under so naturally and easily in these moments, and Tiki is a prime example. She effortlessly dropped for me, the moment I wanted her to, so the video opens with a couple of shots of her already mind controlled and frozen, before we’d “officially” started filming.
I then bring her (almost) to her senses to show her the pics of herself frozen and brainless to see what her reaction will be… and it makes her feel pretty spacey all over again. (Kinda fun when I have to work to wake people up, as opposed to the other way around.)
This session was only up to lingerie, but there are still some deliciously suggestive scenes! When asked how she’d love to feel within trance, she admitted that she’d love to be a slavegirl and a sexdoll. Also later on I give her an oral obsession which I combine with a “Loop” trigger to turn her into a mindlessly robotic thumb sucker.
Yep, thumbs, I’m certain there’s nothing else you could ask a lady to suck for you.
Liz Rainbow 8
Liz began this session looking very fetching in her striped stockings and lingerie set. (This was our eighth shoot, whilst I could have started her off dressed like a “normal” girl, there’s a lotta lingerie in the world, and I want to see as much of it as I can!)
As with Tiki, we played around with a pendant pre-session, which had led to Liz blanking out nicely. I did a little impromptu filming here, which made it into the end of the video as a bonus feature. We also went outside so I could try making use of my drone whilst Liz posed down on the grass… this bit *didn’t* make it in, as I had to shout to be heard over the noise of the drone, which wasn’t terribly conducive for keeping Liz in trance.
Might try some Hilltop freezes if I take a model out tranced in public again…
Liz dolls out delightfully. Catch her eye with a pendant or a candle, and she’ll start to zone out within seconds. Tell her to drop, and she’ll bonelessly melt back to sleep. State that she’s simply a poseable doll… and all personality, expression and awareness evaporates immediately.
Fun scenes ensue: A slutty Liz insisting her butt be kissed and worship snapping back to being very confused as to why my face is suddenly inches away from her butt… that is most of the time… there was one moment where I snapped my fingers to put Liz back into her “normal” state of mind… and she mustn’t have got the memo, because she carries on insisting that I give her butt a nice big kiss. (Had to snap my fingers EXTRA hard to get out of that one.)
Later we have a screaming and giggling Liz tearing off her clothes as they tickle her like crazy… a nude Liz looping through leg kicks like a pinup model locked in time… which looks *really* cute n sexy btw.
Like to see the full thing? Read More…
(Animated version this-a-way: RedGifs)
and a resistant Liz telling me that I can’t make her “Mooooo!” though every moo comes out sounding like she *is* a cow. ;D
Thanks btw to Blank Paige / Goddess Iris on twitter for *that* idea. It’s a corker. 😀